Return Policy
We understand our customer needs and we understand that some times purchased product can not feet in your needs. That is why MageMad is offering different refund policies based on product type and nature of product.
30 days money back policy
The products under Premium category and/or the products have return clause mentioned under description section, are eligible for refund. If client purchased extension installation and/or extension customization service, these services are not eligible for any refund.
How to initiate?
To avail refund, customer can contact customer service from customer service section. Customer can ask refund from customer order section too.
The Process
i. Initiate refund by customer
ii. Customer support guy assigned to the case.
ii. Customer support guy check for the eligibility.
ii. Refund request will be fulfilled if eligible. -
No Refund
The services purchased with/without the products. For example, extension installation service, theme installation service, extension customization etc services are not eligible for refund.
Please Note: Refund will be entertained after customer removes every file of purchased product from their server.